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Senate Resolutions

resolution no : 310/2022
resolution no 310/2022
what authority of the Senate
change resolution no the correction of an obvious clerical error ex officio
resolution no : 389/2022
resolution no 389/2022
what authority of the Senate
regarding on awarding distinction to the doctoral dissertation in the field of medical sciences and health sciences in the discipline of pharmaceutical sciences by mgr Sinemyiz Atalay Ekiner
resolution no : 346/2022
resolution no 346/2022
what authority of the Senate
regarding on awarding distinction to the doctoral dissertation in the field of medical sciences and health sciences in the discipline of medical science by Gladys Emmanuella Putri Wojciechowska
resolution no : 116/2022
resolution no 116/2022
what authority of the Senate
regarding on the adoption of the Regulations of the Doctoral School of the Medical University in Bialystok
overrules 44/2021,
resolution no : 114/2022
resolution no 114/2022
what authority of the Senate
regarding the introduction of the Regulations of First Degree, Second Degree and Uniform Master's Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok
change resolution no 70/2021,