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found 85 articles
ordinance no : 102/2023
ordinance no 102/2023
issued by Rector
on the introduction of amended Regulations on the outgoing mobilities within the Erasmus+ Programme at the Medical University of Bialystok
changing ordinance no 102/2022,
ordinance no : 115/2023
ordinance no 115/2023
issued by Rector
on introducing the Regulations concerning the principles of co-financing the purchase of access to educational platforms designated to prepare for the Final Medical Examination or the Final Medical-Dental Examination at the Medical University of Bialystok, binding in the academic year 2023/2024
ordinance no : 79/2023
ordinance no 79/2023
issued by Rector
on regarding introducing amended Regulations for awarding benefits to the students of the Medical University of Bialystok
overrides 54/2022,
ordinance no : 78/2023
ordinance no 78/2023
issued by Rector
on establishing the framework schedule for the academic year 2023/2024 at the Medical University of Białystok
changing ordinance no 38/2023,
resolution no : 29/2014
resolution no 29/2014
what authority of the Senate
regarding on the rules of using the emblem and the banner of the Medical University of Białystok
ordinance no : 86/2022
ordinance no 86/2022
issued by Rector
on to the Regulations of the organization of lectures and classes conducted at the Medical University of Bialystok with the use of distance learning methods and techniques
changing ordinance no 82/2022,
resolution no : 127/2023
resolution no 127/2023
what authority of the Senate
regarding amending the Resolution of the Senate No. 91/2019 specifying the procedure for conferring the Doctoral and Assistant professor (habilitated doctor) degree at the Medical University of Bialystok
ordinance no : 18/2022
ordinance no 18/2022
issued by Rector
on introducing Regulations on the rules, procedure and qualification criteria for awarding Rector's awards to academic teachers of the Medical University of Bialystok
ordinance no : 17/2022
ordinance no 17/2022
issued by Rector
on the processing of personal data of specific categories for the purposes of scientific research
resolution no : 310/2022
resolution no 310/2022
what authority of the Senate
regarding on the correction of an obvious clerical error ex officio
change resolution no 116/2022,