The Regulations of First Degree, Second Degree and Uniform Master's Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok (Appendix to Resolution No. 70/2021 adopted by the Senate of the Medical University of Bialystok of 29.04.2021)

The Regulations of First Degree, Second Degree and Uniform Master's Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok (Appendix to Resolution No. 51/2020 adopted by the Senate of the Medical University of Bialystok of 29.04.2020)

The Regulations of First Degree, Second Degree and Uniform Master's Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok moc obowiązująca od roku akademickiego 2019/2020(Uchwała nr 29/2019 Senatu UMB z dnia 25.04.2019r.)

The Regulations of First Degree, Second Degree and Uniform Master's Studies at the Medical University of Bialystok (Uchwała nr 42/2018 Senatu UMB z dnia 19.04.2018r.)

The Rules Of First Degree, Second Degree And Uniform Master's Courses of Study 2017/2018

Rules of Study First Level, Second Level and Integrated Master's Degree Studies at Medical Universiry in Białystok 2016/2017